Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why I Think Students Should Be Allowed to Chew Gum In School.

Why I Think Students Should Be Allowed to Chew Gum In School.
                        I think students should be allowed to chew gum in class because it really helps some students concentrate. I, myself, concentrate better when I have something to chew on. There are also down sides to this option but those complications come with the privilege.
                             When I was in fourth grade my Mom talked to the teacher and told her chewing gum helps me concentrate. Since then, my mom has supplied me with gum to take to school and my teacher allowed me to chew it in class as long as I was quiet and respectful of other students trying to do their work. Some other students got mad at me and became jealous of it but I was not trying to make them upset. I was trying to work just like them. Now I am not saying that everyone in the school needs to have that privilege but for some people I think it would help.  
                        Also, after lunch people just have really awful breath. It is not fair to them to not be able to quickly freshen their taste buds with some minty gum! Have you ever had to talk to someone that had really bad breath? It is not pleasant. Imagine not being able to give them anything to help them with their embarrassing situation.
                        Lastly, chewing gum helps people calm their nerves before they have a test or quiz. When I chew gum it is usually because I am stressed about an upcoming test or exam. I try not to do so in school very much but sometimes I am just too stressed to ignore it. These reasons may not be very important to teachers, but to students, it helps them get through the day.